To: Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation - *Registered Band Members Only*
From: Chief and Council
Date: Tuesday June 14, 2016
On Friday June 3, 2016 Chief and Council delivered an important communiqué regarding the upcoming Flood Claim / Annual General Meeting. This communiqué was posted on the website and was mailed out to all Band Members who have provided Administration with an updated mailing address. This message stated that while there are still some outstanding revisions to the language of the Flood Claim Easement & Settlement documents, Chief and Council would move forward with the delivery of key information about the Settlement to its members. At a meeting held in May 2016, Chief White Cloud notified both the Federal and Provincial Negotiators that LDMLFN families had waited long enough and that Council would be moving forward to disclose important Settlement information to its members on June 17, 2016. The FN agreed to the condition that this information would be kept confidential to LDMLFN Registered Band Members.
It has come to our attention that even though Chief and Council employed both the website and a direct mail out, the June 3, 2016 communiqué was released by a third party to members of the news media. Thus, the main concern of Chief and Council moving forward following this unsanctioned release is that exposing our Settlement (a highly confidential and sensitive agreement) to public viewing and scrutiny may not have a positive effect on the continued negotiations process.
In light of the recent unauthorized media disclosure of our upcoming Flood Claim Settlement and planned meetings, it is of the utmost importance that we keep the details of this Settlement confidential to our Membership. Therefore, only registered Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation Band Members will be allowed to attend the Flood Claim Settlement presentation held throughout the day on June 17, 2016. Due to this breach, we must take these necessary steps to ensure that we do not violate our Negotiations Confidentiality protocol.
Prior to entering the Flood Claim Settlement presentation, Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation registered Band Members will be required to show a valid government issued ID. LDMLFN staff along with third party security personnel will be on site to assist in this process.
NOTE: This area will be secured for our members only. Please ensure that you park in the back of the Airlane Hotel, and use the entrance off the back parking lot. The meeting rooms are located in that area, namely the Tiberio and Barcelona Rooms. Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of the material, no videotaping, video-conferencing or pictures of slides presented will be allowed. Please note that spouses are welcome to attend the other sessions taking place and are most welcome to socialize in the refreshment room.
At this time we would like to thank our members for their ongoing support and patience. Our goal is to ensure the Flood Claim Settlement negotiation process continues to move forward in a positive manner for our LDMLFN families. We will be able to move on to a Referendum vote once all parties have agreed and signed off on the remaining two documents. Chi Miigwetch
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