News - please click on titles to view entire document
May. 2

Please click the link below to view the Healing & Wellness Department Newsletter for the month of May.   Healing & Wellness Department Newsletter - May

Apr. 27

         COMMUNIQUE To:           LDMLFN Band and Community Members From:       LDMLFN Chief and Council Boozhoo to our membership and families! The winter has been a long one and spring has taken it’s time getting here! As of today, reports are that there are still approximately 36 inches of ice on Lac des Mille Lacs.  We have certainly experienced a cool and late spring here.  Let's hope the weather warms up soon and we will have a long and beautiful summer.  We wanted to take this opportunity to update our membership on some of the initiatives that we reported ...

Apr. 18

How far can your moccasin’s walk? The Ontario Native Women’s Association’s Aboriginal Diabetes Program is CHALLENGING YOU TO A MOCC WALK! Join this FREE walking challenge intended to increase awareness about diabetes and to promote physical activity among Indigenous people across Ontario. Just record the number of minutes you spent walking, tally your points at the end of the challenge and submit them to ONWA. You earn 1 point for every 10 minutes you walk. The more points you get, the more chances you have to win great prizes! Everyone of all ages is encouraged to participate - women, men, youth, children, elders. Participate as individuals or ...

Mar. 13

  71% of participants registered for the Tobacco Reduction Challenge were able to quit for the first seven days of March!  Congratulations to everyone!  If you were unsuccessful in quitting, remember, research shows that it takes a person a realistic 10-30 attempts to successfully quit for good, so keep trying!  Its never too late to quit!  Below, you will find the names that were drawn for the prizes on March 12, 2018.  1st Name Drawn – $500.00 - Darryl Penassi 2nd Name Drawn - $300.00 – Barb Osadec 3rd Name Drawn – $200.00 - Lana Johnson Consolation prize - $100.00 – Melissa Nevela Funding for this ...

Mar. 8

Please visit the "Housing" section of the website to view the finalized documents. 

Feb. 26

The event calendar has been updated with the following events: - March Break Activities 2018 - Sewing Spirits - Family Land Based Activity Week 2018 - Annual Health Fair 2018 - Building / Housing Fair 2018 Please visit the Event Calendar page on our website to view upcoming events.

Feb. 23

  We are pleased to announce that Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation is holding a Tobacco Reduction Challenge. In an effort to promote tobacco reduction, we are challenging you to quit smoking for one week!         Why is this challenge for only one week? Research shows that if you are successful for the first week, you are 9 times more likely to quit for good! Who can participate? All band and community members who regularly consume tobacco. What are the prizes? Your name will be entered into a draw with the following prizes: 1st name drawn- $500.00 2nd name drawn - $300.00 3rd name drawn- $200.00 Consolation Prize - $100.00 How do I ...

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We invite Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation members to share in this website. This is our Code of Conduct for any posting or activity in relation to the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation's website ( We have created this website as a place where we can share news about Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation, our activities and events. We want our members to share their views and ideas and to enjoy their experience on this website. We encourage all activity that supports this aim but would like all users to observe the following terms and conditions.

When you post on the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation Website, you agree that you will NOT publish, post, upload or submit any of the following:

  • Any material that infringes the copyright of any other person, or copyright material not referenced.
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