News - please click on titles to view entire document
Feb. 22

    COMMUNIQUE To:             LDMLFN Band Members From:        LDMLFN Housing Committee                    Jackie Peters, Councillor Tracy Morrison, Councillor Carmel Zoccole,                    Rikka Berkan, Mark Sawdo and Tom Lebel Date:          February 22, 2018 Housing Update & Questions Answered  Thank you once again to everyone who took the time to send in their questions regarding the Housing Policy and ...

Feb. 22

        COMMUNIQUE   TO:                 LDMLFN Band and Community Members FROM:           LDMLFN Chief and Council DATE:            February 22, 2018         FROM THE OFFICE OF CHIEF AND COUNCIL Boozhoo to our Membership and Families!  What an extremely busy and productive year we are having! We are pleased to provide you with the following important updates regarding your First Nation. HOUSING POLICY – Your Housing Committee ...

Feb. 7

TO:                 LDMLFN Band and Community Members FROM:           LDMLFN Chief and Council Date:               February 6, 2018   Boozhoo to our Membership and Families!  As we enter into a bright but cold New Year, we trust that this communique finds all of our members and families in good health following the Holiday Season.  We wanted to take this opportunity to inform the membership of some important initiatives that your leadership and administration are ...

Feb. 5

Additional revisions to the policy, from our January 24th meeting, are indicated in red on page 16 and pages 30-32. The previous revisions of the January 18th meeting, are unchanged and remain in red on pages 33 & 34.  Thank you, once again to those members willing to meet and share your ideas with the Housing Committee.   Please click here to view the updates policy.

Feb. 2

The Housing Committee would like to thank everyone for all of the feedback we have received to date on the Draft Housing Policy. We have already posted revisions from our January 18th 2018 Housing Committee meeting with regards to the application form. We hope this clarifies the requirements of the Lot Application, Appendix D of the policy. At this time, we would like to address some additional questions that we have received from our members. We have put together a Q & A to address all questions to date. Please click here to view the Q & A Document

Jan. 25

  Boozhoo! We have had good feedback, suggestions and discussions from our members on the Draft Housing Policy. We have now incorporated the following changes (outlined in red - pages 33 and 34.) The review period is still open for another 3 weeks. We welcome and look forward to hearing back from our band and community members with your feedback. We will continue with updates as any/all changes to the policy are made. We are also working on a Q and A for our members which will go out in the next couple of weeks. The First Nation's Surveyor is working on a map displaying the location of the lots (Phase 1), which we hope will be ready next week. Our goal is to ...

Jan. 19


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