News - please click on titles to view entire document
Aug. 4

        To: LDMLFN Band Members  From: Chief and Council  Date: August 4, 2016 The community of Lac des Mille Lacs (Nezaadiikaang) First Nation is pleased to announce that it has joined Wataynikaneyap Power, a partnership of 22 First Nations who have joined together with private sector companies FortisOntario and Renewable Energy Systems Canada Inc. (RES) to build 1800 km of transmission lines in order to connect remote First Nations communities and reduce First Nation dependency on diesel fuel. Today, LDMLFN joined Wataynikaneyap Power along with Pikangikum First Nation. “As our membership is aware, in our determination ...

Aug. 3

    Summer is upon us and to our children that means no school and plenty of fun!  These months are important downtime from regular classes. Our children want and need to remain active and continue to develop their social skills as they grow.  This week will consist of 4 days of planned activities to help nurture young minds and bodies.          Mario’s Bowl Date:                            Tuesday, August 16, ...

Jun. 14

To: Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation - *Registered Band Members Only* From: Chief and Council Date: Tuesday June 14, 2016    IMPORTANT FLOOD CLAIM/AGM INFORMATION   On Friday June 3, 2016 Chief and Council delivered an important communiqué regarding the upcoming Flood Claim / Annual General Meeting. This communiqué was posted on the website and was mailed out to all Band Members who have provided Administration with an updated mailing address. This message stated that while there are still some outstanding revisions to the language of the Flood Claim Easement & Settlement documents, Chief and Council would move forward with ...

Jun. 14

          Please visit the Housing section of our website to view the latest Housing Update, including Lot Development Update, Policy Update, Understanding Certificates of Occupation & Possession, Drinking Water and Waste Water Systems. .  You will also find a questionnaire regarding Lot Allocation Procedures.  Lac des  MIlle Lacs First Nation is seeking input from membership on how to best allocate our Residential Lots in a manner that is both fair and transparent.  The information collected from this questionnaire will be used to develop a template, for all current and future lot allocations.  Please take ...

Jun. 3

: Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation (LDMLFN) is pleased to announce that Live Free Live Righteous, a non-profit, community- centred concert, will be returning to Thunder Bay!           

Jun. 3

COMMUNIQUÉ To: Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation Band Members From: Chief and Council Date: Friday June 3, 2016 Members of Chief and Council and the Flood Claim Negotiations Team have been working diligently towards the completion of our Flood Claim Settlement. Since our previous Spring 2016 update, we have had several productive meetings with officials from both the Provincial and Federal governments. At a significant meeting in Toronto, Ontario held in May 2016, all parties were able to arrive at a comprehensive draft version of the Settlement and Easement Agreements. While there are still some outstanding modifications to the legal wording (verbiage) ...

Jun. 3

A General Membership Meeting will be held at the following date and location:                                     Date:              Friday June 17, 2016                                     ...

May. 31

The annual spring feasting of our traditional ancestral lands was held at the Community Round House on Friday, May 27, 2016, under the guidance of Elder Gilbert Smith.  Our Elders Council members were in attendance, and we thank them for making the arrangements for this ceremony to be done. Due to the sudden hot weather the week prior, it was decided to have the ceremony performed as soon as possible while the buds were just starting to grow.             In addition to the feasting of the lands, a ceremony was held to honour the life of a young Eagle that was discovered prior to last year’s fall feasting.  During a ...

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We invite Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation members to share in this website. This is our Code of Conduct for any posting or activity in relation to the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation's website ( We have created this website as a place where we can share news about Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation, our activities and events. We want our members to share their views and ideas and to enjoy their experience on this website. We encourage all activity that supports this aim but would like all users to observe the following terms and conditions.

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