News - please click on titles to view entire document
Oct. 30

  At the end of August, people of all ages came together to celebrate great music in support of ongoing community initiatives happening in the District of Thunder Bay that promote positive lifestyles and respectful relationships. Proudly hosted by our community of Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation, the Live Free Live Righteous concert coordinated the musical talents of 6 electronic musical acts headlined by the Indigenous Juno-award winning group A Tribe Called Red. Despite the chilly temperatures, entire families came out to Fort William Historical Park to listen to amazing music while making a personal commitment to living a life that reflects positive ...

Oct. 23

Fall Feasting of the Lands & Spirits Due to a number of reasons beyond our control, we have had to schedule and then reschedule our fall feasting.  With the cold weather now fast approaching, and leaves quickly dropping, we must do the ceremony asap.  The fall feasting of the lands and spirits will take place this Sat October 24th at 11:00 a.m. in the Roundhouse.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Our members are also encouraged to continue to feast their own drums, regalia, sacred items, etc. at their own chosen time and place.  

Oct. 20

COMMUNIQUÉ To: Lac Des Mille Lacs First Nation Band Members From: Chief and Council Date: October 20, 2015 Chief and Council of Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation extend their congratulations to Prime Minister Elect Justin Trudeau and his Liberal team for their majority victory last evening. “On behalf of our community, I would like to congratulate the Liberal Party for their majority government election victory last evening,” stated Chief Whitecloud. “I look forward to the work ahead, as we continue to move forward in a good way in order to best meet the needs of our Community members, First Nation peoples and the lands we are entrusted ...

Oct. 16

The October 2015 newsletter is ready.  To view, please visit the "Newsletters" page under the heading "Community" or by clicking here.

Oct. 15

  At the end of August, people of all ages came together to celebrate great music in support of ongoing community initiatives happening in the District of Thunder Bay that promote positive lifestyles and respectful relationships. Proudly hosted by our community of Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation, the Live Free Live Righteous concert coordinated the musical talents of 6 electronic musical acts headlined by the Indigenous Juno-award winning group A Tribe Called Red. Despite the chilly temperatures, entire families came out to Fort William Historical Park to listen to amazing music while making a personal commitment to living a life that reflects positive ...

Oct. 15

  Band Members that are in need of a new Certificate on Indian Status Card (CIS) can now visit our Band Office on Mountain Road.  Having recently completed all required training, receptionist Honey Chicago earned the title of "Indian Registration Administrator" (IRA).  Status Cards will be issued in Wednesdays (1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.) by scheduled appointment only.  Please note that at this time, LDMLFN is only issuing cards to Band Members registered with the First Nation.  Individuals wishing to access this service must follow these steps: 1)  Contact Honey Chicago at the Band Office to schedule an appointment.  Please ...

Aug. 24

NEWS RELEASE                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LIVE FREE LIVE RIGHTEOUS CONCERT A HUGE SUCCESS THUNDER BAY, ON: Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation (LDMLFN) Chief Whitecloud (Judy Maunula) and Council are pleased to announce the success of the Live Free Live Righteous Concert, a free community-centred event, which took place yesterday at Fort William Historical Park. “It was absolutely incredible to see so many people of all ages and backgrounds come out to support this event, and what it stood for, and the amazing musicians who made it ...

Aug. 24

Treaty Payments will be happening on August 25th, thru August 27th, at the Fort William First Nation Community Centre.  Please see poster below.          

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